Peptides for Bodybuilding

Uses of Peptides in Bodybuilding
In bodybuilding, peptides are popular for their potential to enhance muscle growth, fat loss, recovery, and overall performance. They work by stimulating the release of growth hormone, increasing protein synthesis, or improving healing and endurance.
Peptides are short chains of amino acids, typically consisting of anywhere from two to around 50 amino acids. They are the building blocks of proteins but are smaller in size. Peptides play essential roles in biological functions, acting as signaling molecules, hormones, neurotransmitters, and antimicrobial agents.
Sample Muscle Growth Peptide Stack

Peptide Stack
Ipam/tesa (2x blend): For the Ipamorelin/Testamoreline combination the dose is 100mcg which will be only 2 units (0.02ml). For maximum effect, you should do the injection when you are in a fasted state or with just a lean protein meal as fats and carbs will blunt the release of GH. You can eat carbs/fats 20-30 mins after your injection. The best times to take the ipam/tesa combo are upon waking in the AM, post-workout and before bed. Most people find taking it in the AM the easiest. If you’re really training hard, you can do more than one injection in a day, for example, upon waking and then again post-workout. The more doses you take in a day though increases the chance of side effects which for GH would include a reversible carpal tunnel-like condition due to water retention in the hands/wrists and also elevated blood sugar. At 1-2 doses per day, you should not encounter those issues. A dose of once per day can be continued indefinitely but if you’re incorporating additional doses you should takes breaks where you are only taking one dose per day.
IGF-1 LR3: For the IGF-1 LR3, the starting dose is 50mcg which is 5 units on the u100 syringe. After a few weeks of the 50mcg dose, you can go up to 100mcg per dose, if everything is going smoothly. (that would obviously be 10 units on the u100 syringe). The best times to take the IGF-1 would be post-workout on training days and in the AM on rest days. You can take it at the same time as the ipam/tesa and the combination of the GH release and IGF-1 will greatly increase nutrient partitioning and anabolism/muscle growth. It will also help with fat burning. This is good for a 6-8 week cycle.
If you stack those together for 6-8 weeks, I think you will be pleased with the results. Then, if you want, you can continue the ipam/tesa and then after a break resume another 6 weeks or so of the IGF-1. For bodybuilding you might look into SARMs.
Tools Needed for a Peptide Stack

Bacteriostatic Water and the Appropriate Marking Syringe
Use u100 insulin syringes for the peptides, which are available over the counter. You just tell the pharmacist that your doctor has prescribed you something and you need the syringes and they’ll get them for you. For the doses with these peptides, the 0.3ml syringes are best as they have a finer scale than the 1.0ml syringes. All u100 insulin syringes measure the same but will obviously look different being different sizes.
For each of the vials, reconstitute them with 1ml bacteriostatic water.
It can be a little tricky sometimes getting a good draw of liquid without too many air bubbles but you’ll get the hang of it. A little bit of air bubbles are harmless but has the potential to alter your dose measurement.
Diet plan to support a muscle gain peptide stack
Calories: 3,500-4,000 kcal/day (lean bulk)
Macronutrient Split: 40% carbs / 35% protein / 25% fats
Extra Notes:
High protein supports IGF-1 LR3 & GH-driven muscle growth.
Carb cycling (high carbs on workout days, lower on rest days).
Healthy fats (avocado, nuts, omega-3s) for hormone support.
*The bodybuilding sample peptide stack above is for a 30 year old male at 220lbs.